Exploring Rhytidectomy and Best Face Lift Options | HEG


A More Natural Younger You

What is Face lift ?

Everyone wants to have a beautiful and younger-looking face. However, as people age, their skin tends to lose its natural elasticity and become saggy. Harmful rays from the sun, harsh weather conditions, and lifestyle factors are major culprits for sagging and loose skin.

Facelift surgery has become increasingly popular with changes in time and beauty standards. It is a surgical operation performed to treat undesirable changes such as sagging and wrinkles due to aging, typically recommended for individuals aged 45-50 and above. To achieve a fresher and more attractive appearance, the operation can be accompanied by procedures such as eyelid surgery, fat injection, skin peeling, laser treatment, and Botox.

A facelift involves fat removal, as well as surgery to tighten the skin and muscles on the face. The natural effects of aging are exacerbated by gravity, exposure to sunlight, smoking, environmental conditions, alcohol consumption, and stress, resulting in reduced skin elasticity. A less elastic skin shows wrinkles and lines which can cause distress and low self-esteem.

All of these procedures are performed while patients are under general anesthesia. Incisions are made in the temples or behind the ears, and surgical scars are typically hidden naturally. The incisions are very narrow and fade quickly. The results of the surgery are beautifully tightened skin and a youthful, natural appearance. Ultimately, a facelift can make you look up to 20 years younger.

Stay in hospital

1 day one night

Surgery duration

1 to 2 hours



Price list

We accept payments in Armenian Dram

Procedure types



A standard facelift is a surgical procedure that aims to restore smoothness to the skin under the chin, eliminate jowling, and restore a natural color to the face. During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision that runs from the temples to the back of the earlobes through the hairline. Then, the surgeon repositions the deeper tissues beneath the skin and removes excess skin, resulting in a smoother appearance for the face.


Mini facelift surgery is a suitable option for patients who need slight correcting of stubborn skin. The operation provides little incisions along the hairline above each ear. The surgeon will lift the tissue around the cheeks through these entry points. 




A full face-lift is the most complete facial surgery. It can take up to 4 hours and it comprises a flexible combination of the before mentioned surgeries. This kind of facelift is performed with incisions that extend from the temples to behind the ears, targeting the lower, middle and upper sides of the face.

A medical consultation with an experienced surgeon is necessary to establish the best method for you.

What to expect


Telman Arakelyan

Plastic surgeon

Gagik Stamboltsyan

Plastic and Estethic surgeon

Armen Hovhannisyan

Plastic and Estethic surgeon

Narek Hovhannisyan

Plastic and Estethic surgeon

Edgar Hayrapetyan

Plastic surgeon

Davit Ispiryan

Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgeon

Aram Boroyan

Plastic surgeon

Frequently asked questions

Facelift surgery is not a suitable treatment option for superficial wrinkles, sun damage, and skin pigmentation disorders. Superficial wrinkles are typically treated with medicated creams or skin procedures such as laser treatment, chemical peel, and dermabrasion.

Facelift surgery usually takes two to four hours. However, if other surgeries are performed along with facelift, it might take longer.

With age, the skin begins to droop again, so the result of facelift surgery is not permanent. The result usually lasts for about 10 years.

HEG surgeons recommend avoiding coloring or bleaching your hair for at least six weeks after facelift surgery.

Scarring is dependent on the surgeon’s skills and experience, and with the most advanced facelift techniques that use HEG surgeons, scarring is kept to a minimum. Incision sites will be carefully considered to reduce visibility during recovery and in the long-term. They are also very well concealed for both women and men.

The majority of patients undergoing a facelift procedure are between the ages of 40-60. Ideally, the best results are seen on patients who still have elasticity left in their skin, have good bone structure, and most importantly, are fit and healthy.

Two weeks is the average healing time following facelift surgery, although it will take six weeks until things go back to normal. It is at this point that the surgeon will see you for your follow-up consultation and be able to give you the all-clear. Although it may seem like a long time, you will find yourself able to restore normal daily activities a lot sooner, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly the initial swelling goes down.

Although everybody heals differently, we suggest all patients take a minimum of 1-2 weeks away from work. We also advise against any strenuous activities such as exercise during this initial healing period.

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