Lipofilling | Rediscover Confidence with Fat Grafting


Practicing the art of plastic surgery

What is Lipofilling?

Lipofilling, also known as fat grafting or autologous fat transfer, is a surgical procedure that involves the transfer of fat from one area of the body to another. The procedure is commonly used in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to enhance or restore volume in various parts of the body.

During a lipofilling procedure, fat is harvested from a donor site, typically areas with excess fat such as the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks, through a process called liposuction. The harvested fat is then processed to remove impurities and excess fluids. Finally, the purified fat cells are injected into the desired area that requires volume enhancement, such as the face, breasts, buttocks, or hands.

Lipofilling has gained popularity in cosmetic surgery because it offers a natural and long-lasting solution for adding volume and improving contour. It can be used to enhance facial features, fill in wrinkles and depressions, augment breasts or buttocks, and rejuvenate the hands, among other applications.

One of the advantages of lipofilling is that it uses the patient’s own fat, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions or rejection. Additionally, since it utilizes the patient’s own tissue, the results can potentially last longer compared to synthetic fillers. However, it’s important to note that not all of the injected fat may survive in the new location, and multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired outcome.

It’s worth mentioning that while lipofilling is generally considered safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks and potential complications. These may include infection, bleeding, asymmetry, contour irregularities, and overcorrection or under correction of volume.

Stay in hospital

1 day one night

Surgery duration

1 to 5 hours


General or local

Price list

We accept payments in Armenian Dram

Procedure types

Facial Lipofilling

Facial Lipofilling

This procedure is also referred to as fat grafting or fat transfer. It involves removing excess fat from areas of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, through liposuction. The extracted fat is then purified and injected into specific areas of the face to restore volume and improve facial contours. Facial lipofilling can be used to fill in wrinkles, lines, hollow areas, and even acne scars, providing a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

Breast Lipofilling

Breast lipofilling is a technique used to enhance the size and shape of the breasts using the patient’s own fat. The extracted fat is processed and purified before being injected into the breasts to increase their volume and improve their contour. Breast lipofilling is considered a natural alternative to breast implants and can provide a more subtle and natural-looking result.

Breast Lipofilling

Buttock Augmentation (Brazilian Butt Lift)

Buttock Augmentation (Brazilian Butt Lift)

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a popular procedure aimed at enhancing the shape and size of the buttocks. It involves two main steps: liposuction and fat transfer. First, excess fat is removed from areas of the body with liposuction, commonly the abdomen, hips, or thighs. The harvested fat is then processed and injected into the buttocks to create a fuller and rounder appearance. The Brazilian Butt Lift can improve the overall proportions and contour of the buttocks, giving them a more lifted and youthful look.

What to expect


Karen Danielyan

Plastic and Estethic surgeon

Set Ghazaryan

Plastic and Estethic surgeon

Gagik Stamboltsyan

Plastic and Estethic surgeon

Armen Hovhannisyan

Plastic and Estethic surgeon

Narek Hovhannisyan

Plastic and Estethic surgeon

Edgar Hayrapetyan

Plastic surgeon

Aram Boroyan

Plastic surgeon

Frequently asked questions

The results of lipofilling can be long-lasting, but some of the transferred fat may be reabsorbed by the body. Typically, a portion of the transferred fat remains permanent.

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, such as infection, bleeding, asymmetry, contour irregularities, or fat necrosis. Discuss these risks with your surgeon.

The recovery time can vary depending on the extent of the procedure and individual healing factors. Generally, it may take several weeks for the swelling and bruising to subside, and you should avoid strenuous activities during this time.

Lipofilling can be combined with other surgical procedures, such as facelifts or breast augmentation, to enhance the overall results. Your surgeon can discuss the feasibility and potential benefits of combining procedures.

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